Program Title:

Max Potential© Silver


Target Audience:

Early-career to mid-career individuals


  • Started working for a few years and now unsure whether your current career and/or job is the right one for you?
  • Looking to switch your career but unsure how to do so in a systematic manner?
  • Talked to various friends but received confusing/conflicting advice?
  • Applied for dozens of job applications in a bid to switch careers but getting little or no results for interviews?



This Max Potential© Silver program is a high impact program suitable for individuals at all job levels, functions and industries who would like to take a more serious & proactive approach towards achieving career success.

Included in this package are key elements needed to start planning and managing your career for success.

  • Career Success Foundation© (CSF) workshop
  • Assess-for-Success© Plus (A4S+) session
  • Vision-to-Reality© (V2R) planning session
  • 4 individual coaching sessions with a certified Max Potential© Coach

In addition, included free in this package are:

  • “Headhunters – 8 Secrets You Wished You Knew” seminar
  • Connect with an Artemis Executive Search Consultant where you can gain access to the Artemis Global Career Opportunities Network

Hone individual skills and reach your max potential
through our specialised programs