An organisation without a strategic plan is likened to a ship floating aimlessly in the ocean; directionless and inevitably slated for downfall. In today’s hyper competitive VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) business climate, a well thought-out strategic business plan is more critical than ever.

Some of the challenges organisations may face include:

  • Drop in revenue, market value, market share and/or profit margins.
  • Status quo in business direction due to a lack of clearly defined strategic business direction and objectives.
  • Leaders and managers who are unclear about the direction of the organisation and/or may have differing views & objectives.
  • Business model, structure, processes increasingly becoming less relevant and less effective.

Business leaders looking to revamp, transform and gear their business for growth would benefit from a structured, well-researched and analysed initiative that may include developing a new vision, mission, goals, objectives and values for the organisation. Growth strategies (possibly including transformational ones) are then developed to support the organisation’s vision, mission, goals, objectives and values. Benefits of embarking on a Business Strategy Development initiative:

  • Provide a clear roadmap for the organisation’s leaders and managers to chart future directions for growth.
  • Offer a blueprint for the organisation to increase revenue, market share and profits.
  • Provide an opportunity to enthuse and rally the leadership and management team to execute on proposed strategic directions.
  • Facilitate decision making in allocation of limited resources.
  • Allow mid-maturity stage businesses to review, renew and/or reposition their business direction.

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