Program Title:
Assess-for-Success© Premium Plus (A4S Premium+)
Target Audience:
Mid-late career individuals
- At your mid-late career crossroads and unsure of what is next in line for your career? Yet to develop a strategic career roadmap to align your current career position with the second-half of your career?
- Wish to re-evaluate your career options and/or job targets to gain better insights for the second-half of your career?
- Feel you do not have an in-depth understanding of yourself: knowledge, skills and personality traits?
- Feel that your résumé does not accurately reflect your competencies (knowledge, skills and perspnal attributes), including managerial/leadership competencies and more critically seems to "undersell" you?
- Unsure on how to "sell yourself" using your competencies (knowledge, skills and perspnal attributes)?
The Assess-for-Success© Premium Plus (A4S Premium+) module builds on the A4S Premium module to include both an additional leadership assessment competency report as well as an additional set of competencies that are aligned to your job/career. Additional Competencies may include: Management, Healthcare, Sales, Sales Management, Customer Service, Administrative, Team, Entrepreneurial, Project, Training, IT, Real Estate .
The A4S Premium Plus is our widest range of assessments and include your personal interests, vocational interests, work values, skills inventory, a research-based personality profile report, leadership competencies, an additional competencies set of your choice, career lifeline as well as a strategic career roadmap exercise. Inputs are then analysed and consolidated by your senior career coach before an indiivdual one-on-one consultation to go through your consolidated A4S Premium Plus report in detail.
The A4S Premium Plus module suits mid-late career individuals who wants the most robust & dynamic range of assessents to form a critical foundation for his/her career option(s) and job target(s) decision making, as well as to make an informed decision on his/her career transition decisions.